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Screening: The Price of Sugar (2007, USA, 90 min.)

Thousands of Haitian plantation workers in the Dominican Republic toil under armed guard to harvest sugarcane, much of which ends up in U.S. kitchens. These modern-day slaves suffer grueling hours and frequently lack decent housing, clean water, electricity, education, or health care. Narrated by Paul Newman, Bill Haney’s award-winning documentary follows Father Christopher Harley, a charismatic Spanish priest, as he organizes some of the hemisphere’s poorest people to fight for their basic human rights. This film raises key questions about where the products we consume originate and at what human cost they are produced.
6:30 pm open seating
6:45 pm screening
8:15 pm discussion with Haitian & Dominican human rights activists to follow screening
6:30 pm open seating
6:45 pm screening
8:15 pm discussion with Haitian & Dominican human rights activists to follow screening
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