South Bronx Toxicity Tour and Community Visions with Omar Freilla

Ever wonder where your power comes from, where your waste goes, or how all of that “stuff” makes its way onto store shelves? Over the years, the South Bronx has become home for much of this infrastructure. Witness what it is like to live next to the places many people prefer not to think about. Hear firsthand the impacts on the lives and health of residents. Then visit local community leaders who have turned lemons into lemonade, creating new parks, urban farms, green buildings, greenways, and green jobs out of the forgotten corners of the city.
Please note: Participants will travel by biodiesel-powered bus (provided by UPROSE); participation is therefore limited to 32 individuals.
Photo used by permission under Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivs 2.0 Generic (CC BY-ND 2.0) License from rowens27