Invoking Justice (Deepa Dhanraj, India, 2011, 86 min.)
Friday, January 11, 2013, 7 pm–9 pm
Mahim Beach

View the powerful documentary Invoking Justice (2011), which chronicles the struggle of a group of women to bring the private, domestic issues of women into the public domain defined by the community. This documentary sheds light on an all-woman’s Jamaat (council) that was formed to uphold a new standard of justice for women. The women’s council holds its exclusively male counterpart and local police to account, and attempts to reform a corrupt system that uses religion to justify violence towards women.
Participants: Deepa Dhanraj, writer, director, and producer; Veena Gowda, advocate and lawyer; Surabhi Sharma, moderator.
This event is by reservation only. To reserve your place, please email Reservations will be taken on a first-come, first-served basis.
Photo: UnCommonSense